At the risk of getting embroiled in the current pros and cons of how Artificial Intelligence technology may have crept up on us in the past few years, let’s take an unbiased look at how AI is assisting charity fundraisers.
AI has been with us for a while in many shapes, shades, and services. From being told by your Apple watch the length of your evening jog, your heart rate, and calories burned, to Alexa suggesting musical backgrounds and any of the streaming services matching your watching history to the latest movies or series.
Like it or not, AI has moved into our lives to the point that almost everyone uses it in one form or another without a thought. And AI applications are growing daily.
At MobilBid, we speak with our clients every day and have a measured interest in how that market is changing as a result of many AI-assisted opportunities. The non-profit sector is still recovering from the past few years. Now AI is standing at the ready to help in the recovery by providing information to assist in developing more successful fundraising efforts. AI can provide better communications, planning, and delivery, of most, if not all, fundraising efforts.
Here are some areas where AI can become a valuable ally to non-profits everywhere.
AI with the proper direction is able to provide donor breakdown analyses to assist with fundraising planning. This application makes it easier for non-profits to better identify their audiences and plan specific events aimed directly at a segment group resulting in a more efficient, more successful, event.
AI is capable of scanning social media data to analyze trends relative to a specific cause and appeal. This information helps non-profits optimize their social media strategies, identify potential partnerships, and engage with individuals who are supportive of their cause.
AI-assisted donating platforms can automate many parts of the fundraising process. This makes possible, personalized online donation forms, sending email appeals, and tracking donor activity. Many fundraising platforms, including MobilBid, while not really AI, but a close cousin, help streamline the giving process by letting the system run unattended, allowing clients to focus more time on relationship-building at the event. The MobilBid platform, with a few keystrokes, automatically tallies winning bidders’ invoices, extracts payment and sends receipts… unattended. Closing confusion – solved.
Some AI programs, by analyzing donor profiles and stats, can assess, then predict, the likelihood of any specific donor or donor group making a pledge. This information allows organizers to target donors with higher potential, allowing them to optimize their resources and maximize fundraising outcomes.
Most AI chatbots can manage product support and answer common donor questions, This allows non-profits to offer unassisted assistance. Chatbots can supply answers to guide potential supporters through the donation process. At the same time pitch the organization’s programs, and offer personalized recommendations based on donor preferences and interests.
Some AI programs are able to analyze text data from donor feedback, reviews, and surveys, to gauge the donor’s mindset. This information as well identifies areas for improvement by determining the donor’s needs.
By analyzing data from fundraising events AI can predict attendance, improve event planning, and determine the most effective fundraising strategies in planning fundraising events.
The above is simply a sampling of how AI programs are helping non-profits reach more people and raise more funds. The future is now.